Please reach out with any questions you have about trainings, presentations, interviews, or anything else that I can help you with. Each service is tailor made to meet the needs of your agency and attendees. If you would like further details about bookings, please send an email with as many details as possible.
Please include the following information in the email:
Date/time of the event
Name(s) of the hosting organizations or agencies
Location of the training/presentation
Description of event (Group training session, auditorium/large group, virtual)
Length of presentation requested (please include request for extended Q & A)
Number of attendees
Topics your wish me to cover (personal history, psychosis analysis, CIT response techniques, etc.)
And anything else you feel is necessary
Mailing Address
Patient Not Prisoner
ATTENTION: Melissa Owens
P.O. Box 3437
Brooklyn Park, MD 21225